Fournisseur de non-tissé PP spunbond

Usine de masques

Fournisseur de non-tissé soufflé à l'état fondu

Sunnshine Training

Last week,Sunshine Nonwoven Fabric Co.,Ltd held a training in Wenhua hotel.

A very famous man in China called “Waitusi” Hosted the meeting.

In the class,we learned about  the Sino-US trade,Exchange rate of countries and analysis of exchange rates. Current national policies and possible changes in these policies.

Nonwoven Fabric

Finally, the teacher also explained to us the customs and customs of different countries and different quotation plans. We have benefited a lot from this class.

I hope that we can hold more training in the future to improve our ability in all aspects.

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Tissu non-tissé PP Spunbond Tissu de table TNT Rouleau de nappe non tissée Tapis de contrôle des mauvaises herbes Tissu de paysage non tissé