Fournisseur de non-tissé PP spunbond

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Fournisseur de non-tissé soufflé à l'état fondu

Sunshine Annual Meeting in 2018

                                                       Sunshine Annual Meeting in 2018

Yesterday, we were hold the annual party of 2018 to summary the past year and to celebrate the coming New Year. 

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During the party, we were enjoy the food, play games and performance. Besides, we were gold the prize presentation to reward outstanding performers.

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2019 is a new start, Sunshine Company wish you a happy holiday, your career greater success and your family happiness.


                                                                                                                                                                                               Sunshine Nonwoven Fabric Co.,Ltd.


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Tissu non-tissé PP Spunbond Tissu de table TNT Rouleau de nappe non tissée Tapis de contrôle des mauvaises herbes Tissu de paysage non tissé